Inlets ACO for reinforced concrete bridges
Catalog number:
Manufacturer: ACO

Inlets for reinforced concrete bridges - construction:

  • Two-part: the upper part of the grill and the lower part
  • Grate dimensions: 300x480 mm, made Multitop ® technology
  • The upper part moved off center by 10 mm on each side and rotated
  • Outflow: DN100, DN150
  • Outflow  vertical or lateral, with outflow connector in stainless steel 
  • Special design for the bridges built by incremental offsets
  • With screwed or without screws clamping ring to adjust the height and pressing waterproofing.

     Height adjustable in 3 ranges:

               Range I: 85-160 mm
               Range II: 160-235 mm
               Range III: 235-500 mm

  • Grate mounted on a hinge opening angle 110 °
  • Slit width 23mm
  • Trash Snap - cap. 5L or 7.2 L
  • Slots seepage into drainage waterproofing

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